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Since 1979 I have worked professionally as an actor in more than 40 theatrical shows. I have done comedy, drama, tragedy, tragicomedy, children's theater, animation ...


I have participated in staging of classic and contemporary texts, with directors, among others, such as José Luis Alonso de Santos, José Sanchis Sinisterra, Mariano de Paco, Emilio del Valle, Aitana Galán, Emilio Hernández, Laila Ripoll, Adolfo Simón, Juan Carlos Pérez de la Fuente, Javier Yagüe, etc.

At present I work with LA RADICAL TEATRO, and I am part of the cast of "EL DIABLO COJUELO", theatrical adaptation of the original novel by Luis Vélez de Guevara, written by Jesús Gómez Gutiérrez and Aitana Galán, and directed by Aitana Galán.

In this show I play Luis Vélez de Guevara himself, among other characters. This show is currently ON TOUR.




Con LA RADICAL TEATRO, formé parte del elenco de

"EL DIABLO COJUELO", adaptación teatral de la novela original de Luis Vélez de Guevara, escrita por Jesús Gómez Gutiérrez y Aitana Galán, y dirigida por Aitana Galán. Estreno: Festival de Almagro, julio 2019. Me incorporé en gira en noviembre de ese mismo año.

"How many years does a louse live?" It is a fragment of "Ñaque or of lice and actors" by José Sanchis Sinisterra, adapted for a single actor.


It is a short online theatrical show that we have mounted on the occasion of the exhibition "With careful neglect. The universe of the actor in the time of Cervantes". CERVANTES NATAL HOUSE MUSEUM. Alcalá de Henares (Madrid). Premiere: January 9, 2021.

Próximamente incluiré en esta web un resumen de toda mi trayectoria teatral como actor... De momento, puedes ver imágenes  de algunos de los espectáculos en los que he trabajado en los primeros años de este nuestro siglo XXI...

Juan Alberto Lopez

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